8 years of experience for challenging pressure equipment registration in Canada

For 8 years we have been helping our customers to register pressure equipment to the Canadian market. Your advantage of our long experience is

that we know the very high requirements and when it depends we work closely with Canadian engineering companies.

Recently Germany has also ratified CETA (the European-Canadian Economic and trade agreement) —

the volume of trade between Germany and Canada will continue to grow.

Export with us to the second largest country in the world –

we will be happy to support you!

Sommer & Strassburger GmbH
Gewerbestrasse 32
75015 Bretten – Gölshausen

Tel.: +49 (0) 72 52 / 93 95 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 72 52 / 93 95 – 50
E-Mail: info@sus-bretten.de