FiltraLine® bag filter housings

Our FiltraLine® bag filter housings for efficient prefiltration for plants, particularly membrane plants and filtration of liquid media, meet the highest demands.

As part of the FiltraLine® filter housing series, since 2004 our bag filter housings have met the highest standards in the food and chemical industries and in the water engineering sector. The bag filter housings can be customised in various nominal widths and connections. In combination with additional connections, an enormous variance is possible. The fixed and three-layer sieve insert, available as an option, brings different subtleties for maximum efficiency.

FiltraLine® housing

With innovative technologies, our FiltraLine® series includes high quality cartridge filter housings, bag filter housings and modular filter housings for the water, food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. We manufacture FiltraLine® cartridge filter housings as ventilating filter housings, condensate filter housings, inline filter housings and low-volume filter housings, and can produce individual special housings according to customer requirements. Our FiltraLine® modular filters are available with up to six flat lens modules arranged one above the other, with which the contact pressure of the modules can be changed from the outside during operation. Unparalleled progress in filtration.

Advantages of FiltraLine® bag filter housings

  • Hygienic design

  • Various nominal widths & connection options

  • Quick-filter change possible due to quick release fastener

  • Variations with additional connections, for, e.g., differential measurement

  • Fixed-sieve insert, three-layer with various fineness levels

  • Fields of application: food, water, chemicals

  • Folding screw design possible

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Technical data / designs

  • Size 1, approximately 0.25 m² filter area

  • Size 2, approximately 0.5 m² filter area

  • Foot frame or support brackets

  • Nominal sizes – DN 50, DN 65, DN80

  • TC fittings, various flanges, Victaulic fittings, hygienic pipe thread according to DIN 11851, G1″- 3” fittings, aseptic fittings according to DIN 11864

Worldwide certificates & approvals

Documents / Downloads

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Inquire with us; we would be happy to advise you. Our highly specialised team will find the right solution for your requirements.

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Inquire with us; we would be happy to advise you. Our highly specialised team will find the right solution for your requirements.

Sommer & Strassburger GmbH
Gewerbestrasse 32
75015 Bretten – Gölshausen

Tel.: +49 (0) 72 52 / 93 95 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 72 52 / 93 95 – 50